{The following function can be added to your to your unit and called as follows:}
Locate(Table1, Table1LName, 'Beman');
{Table1 is your table component, Table1LName is TField you've add with the fields editor (double click on the table component) and 'Beman' is the name you want to find.}
{Locate will find SValue in a non-indexed table}
function Locate(const oTable: TTable; const oField: TField; const sValue: string): Boolean; var
bmPos: TBookMark; bFound: Boolean; begin Locate := False; bFound := False; if not oTable.Active then Exit; if oTable.FieldDefs.IndexOf(oField.FieldName) < 0 then Exit; bmPos := oTable.GetBookMark; with oTable do begin DisableControls; First; while not EOF do if oField.AsString = sValue then begin Locate := True; bFound := True; Break; end else Next; end; if (not bFound) then oTable.GotoBookMark(bmPos); oTable.FreeBookMark(bmPos); oTable.EnableControls; end;