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Преобразование PAS-файла в HTML-файл
unit Convert;
uses Classes, NewParse;
type KeywordType = (ktPascal, ktDfm);
TCodeParser = class (TNewParser) public constructor Create (SSource, SDest: TStream); procedure SetKeywordType (Kt: KeywordType); // conversion procedure Convert; protected // virtual methods (mostly virtual abstract) procedure BeforeString; virtual; abstract; procedure AfterString; virtual; abstract; procedure BeforeKeyword; virtual; abstract; procedure AfterKeyword; virtual; abstract; procedure BeforeComment; virtual; abstract; procedure AfterComment; virtual; abstract; procedure InitFile; virtual; abstract; procedure EndFile; virtual; abstract; function CheckSpecialToken (Ch1: char): string; virtual; function MakeStringLegal (S: String): string; virtual; function MakeCommentLegal (S: String): string; virtual; protected Source, Dest: TStream; OutStr: string; FKeywords: TStrings; Line, Pos: Integer; end;
THtmlParser = class (TCodeParser) public FileName: string; Copyright: string; Alone: Boolean; procedure AddFileHeader (FileName: string); class function HtmlHead (Filename: string): string; class function HtmlTail (Copyright: string): string; protected // virtual methods procedure BeforeString; override; procedure AfterString; override; procedure BeforeKeyword; override; procedure AfterKeyword; override; procedure BeforeComment; override; procedure AfterComment; override; procedure InitFile; override; procedure EndFile; override; function CheckSpecialToken (Ch1: char): string; override; end;
// functions to be used by a Wizard function OpenProjectToHTML (Filename, Copyright: string): string; function CurrProjectToHTML (Copyright: string): string;
uses ExptIntf, SysUtils, ToolIntf;
var PascalKeywords: TStrings; DfmKeywords: TStrings;
const Quote = '''';
//////////// class TCodeParser ////////////
constructor TCodeParser.Create (SSource, SDest: TStream); begin inherited Create (SSource); Source := SSource; Dest := SDest; SetLength (OutStr, 10000); OutStr := ''; FKeywords := PascalKeywords; end;
procedure TCodeParser.SetKeywordType (Kt: KeywordType); begin case Kt of ktPascal: FKeywords := PascalKeywords; ktDfm: FKeywords := DfmKeywords; else raise Exception.Create ('Undefined keywords type'); end; end;
procedure TCodeParser.Convert; begin InitFile; // virtual Line := 1; Pos := 0; // parse the entire source file while Token <> toEOF do begin // if the source code line has changed, // add the proper newline character while SourceLine > Line do begin AppendStr (OutStr, #13#10); Inc (Line); Pos := Pos + 2; // 2 characters, cr+lf end; // add proper white spaces (formatting) while SourcePos > Pos do begin AppendStr (OutStr, ' '); Inc (Pos); end; // check the token case Token of toSymbol: begin // if the token is not a keyword if FKeywords.IndexOf (TokenString) < 0 then // add the plain token AppendStr (OutStr, TokenString) else begin BeforeKeyword; // virtual AppendStr (OutStr, TokenString); AfterKeyword; // virtual end; end; toString: begin BeforeString; // virtual if (Length (TokenString) = 1) and (Ord (TokenString [1]) < 32) then begin AppendStr (OutStr, '#' + IntToStr (Ord (TokenString [1]))); if Ord (TokenString [1]) < 10 then Pos := Pos + 1 else Pos := Pos + 2; end else begin AppendStr (OutStr, MakeStringLegal (TokenString)); Pos := Pos + 2; // 2 x hypen end; AfterString; // virtual end; toInteger: AppendStr (OutStr, TokenString); toFloat: AppendStr (OutStr, TokenString); toComment: begin BeforeComment; // virtual AppendStr (OutStr, MakeCommentLegal (TokenString)); AfterComment; // virtual end; else // any other token AppendStr (OutStr, CheckSpecialToken (Token)); end; // case Token of // increase the current position Pos := Pos + Length (TokenString); // move to the next token NextToken; end; // while Token <> toEOF do // add final code EndFile; // virtual // add the string to the stream Dest.WriteBuffer (Pointer(OutStr)^, Length (OutStr)); end;
function TCodeParser.CheckSpecialToken (Ch1: char): string; begin Result := Ch1; // do nothing end;
function TCodeParser.MakeStringLegal (S: String): string; var I: Integer; begin if Length (S) < 1 then begin Result := Quote + Quote; Exit; end;
// if the first character is not special, // add the open quote if S[1] > #31 then Result := Quote else Result := '';
// for each character of the string for I := 1 to Length (S) do case S [I] of
// quotes must be doubled Quote: begin AppendStr (Result, Quote + Quote); Pos := Pos + 1; end;
// special characters (characters below the value 32) #0..#31: begin Pos := Pos + Length (IntToStr (Ord (S[I]))); // if preceeding characters are plain ones, // close the string if (I > 1) and (S[I-1] > #31) then AppendStr (Result, Quote); // add the special character AppendStr (Result, '#' + IntToStr (Ord (S[I]))); // if the following characters are plain ones, // open the string if (I < Length (S) - 1) and (S[I+1] > #31) then AppendStr (Result, Quote); end; else AppendStr (Result, CheckSpecialToken(S[I])); end;
// if the last character was not special, // add closing quote if (S[Length (S)] > #31) then AppendStr (Result, Quote); end;
function TCodeParser.MakeCommentLegal (S: String): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; // for each character of the string for I := 1 to Length (S) do AppendStr (Result, CheckSpecialToken(S[I])); end;
//////////// class THtmlParser ////////////
procedure THtmlParser.InitFile; begin if Alone then AppendStr (OutStr, HtmlHead (Filename)); AddFileHeader (Filename); AppendStr (OutStr, '<PRE>'#13#10); end;
procedure THtmlParser.EndFile; begin AppendStr (OutStr, '</PRE>'); if Alone then AppendStr (OutStr, HtmlTail (Copyright)) else AppendStr (OutStr, #13#10'<HR>'#13#10#13#10); // separator end;
procedure THtmlParser.BeforeComment; begin AppendStr (OutStr, '<FONT COLOR="#000080"><I>'); end;
procedure THtmlParser.AfterComment; begin AppendStr (OutStr, '</I></FONT>'); end;
procedure THtmlParser.BeforeKeyword; begin AppendStr (OutStr, '<B>'); end;
procedure THtmlParser.AfterKeyword; begin AppendStr (OutStr, '</B>'); end;
procedure THtmlParser.BeforeString; begin // no special style... end;
procedure THtmlParser.AfterString; begin // no special style... end;
function THtmlParser.CheckSpecialToken (Ch1: char): string; begin case Ch1 of '<': Result := '<'; '>': Result := '>'; '&': Result := '&'; '"': Result := '"'; else Result := Ch1; end; end;
procedure THtmlParser.AddFileHeader (FileName: string); var FName: string; begin FName := Uppercase (ExtractFilename (FileName)); AppendStr (OutStr, Format ( '<A NAME=%s><H3>%s</H3></A>' + #13#10+#13#10, [FName, FName])); end;
class function THtmlParser.HtmlHead (Filename: string): string; begin Result := '<HTML><HEAD>' + #13#10+ '<TITLE>File: ' + ExtractFileName(Filename) + '</TITLE>' + #13#10+ '<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="PasToWeb[Marco Cantщ]">'#13#10 + '</HEAD>'#13#10 + '<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">'#13#10; end;
class function THtmlParser.HtmlTail (Copyright: string): string; begin Result := '<HR><CENTER<I>Generated by PasToWeb,' + ' a tool by Marco Cantù.<P>' + #13#10+ Copyright + '</CENTER></I>'#13#10 + '</BODY> </HTML>'; end;
// code for the HTML Wizard
function OpenProjectToHTML (Filename, Copyright: string): string; begin // open the project and get the lists... ToolServices.OpenProject (FileName); Result := CurrProjectToHTML (Copyright); end;
function CurrProjectToHTML (Copyright: string): string; var Dest, Source, BinSource: TStream; HTML, FileName, Ext, FName: string; I: Integer; Parser: THtmlParser; begin // initialize FileName := ToolServices.GetProjectName; Result := ChangeFileExt (FileName, '_dpr') + '.htm'; Dest := TFileStream.Create (Result, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); try // add head HTML := '<HTML><HEAD>' + #13#10+ '<TITLE>Project: ' + ExtractFileName (Filename) + '</TITLE>' + #13#10+ '<META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="PasToHTML[Marco Cantщ]">' + #13#10+ '</HEAD>'#13#10 + '<BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF">'#13#10 + '<H1><CENTER>Project: ' + FileName + '</CENTER></H1><BR><BR><HR>'#13#10; AppendStr (HTML, '<UL>'#13#10); // units list for I := 0 to ToolServices.GetUnitCount - 1 do begin Ext := Uppercase (ExtractFileExt( ToolServices.GetUnitName(I))); FName := Uppercase (ExtractFilename ( ToolServices.GetUnitName(I))); if (Ext <> '.RES') and (Ext <> '.DOF') then AppendStr (HTML, '<LI> <A HREF=#' + FName + '> ' + FName + '</A>'#13#10); end; // forms list for I := 0 to ToolServices.GetFormCount - 1 do begin FName := Uppercase (ExtractFilename ( ToolServices.GetFormName(I))); AppendStr (HTML, '<LI> <A HREF=#' + FName + '> ' + FName + '</A>'#13#10); end; AppendStr (HTML, '</UL>'#13#10); AppendStr (HTML, '<HR>'#13#10); // add the HTML string to the output buffer Dest.WriteBuffer (Pointer(HTML)^, Length (HTML));
// generate the HTML code for the units for I := 0 to ToolServices.GetUnitCount - 1 do begin Ext := Uppercase (ExtractFileExt( ToolServices.GetUnitName(I))); if (Ext <> '.RES') and (Ext <> '.DOF') then begin Source := TFileStream.Create ( ToolServices.GetUnitName(I), fmOpenRead); Parser := THtmlParser.Create (Source, Dest); try Parser.Alone := False; Parser.Filename := ToolServices.GetUnitName(I); Parser.Convert; finally Parser.Free; Source.Free; end; end; // if end; // for
// generate the HTML code for forms for I := 0 to ToolServices.GetFormCount - 1 do begin // convert the DFM file to text BinSource := TFileStream.Create ( ToolServices.GetFormName(I), fmOpenRead); Source := TMemoryStream.Create; ObjectResourceToText (BinSource, Source); Source.Position := 0; Parser := THtmlParser.Create (Source, Dest); try Parser.Alone := False; Parser.Filename := ToolServices.GetFormName(I); Parser.SetKeywordType (ktDfm); Parser.Convert; finally Parser.Free; BinSource.Free; Source.Free; end; end; // for
// add the tail of the HTML file HTML := '<BR><I><CENTER>HTML file generated by PasToWeb, a tool by Marco Cantù<BR>'#13#10 + Copyright + '</CENTER></I>'#13#10 + '</BODY> </HTML>'; Dest.WriteBuffer (Pointer(HTML)^, Length (HTML)); finally Dest.Free; end; end;
initialization PascalKeywords := TStringList.Create; DfmKeywords := TStringList.Create;
// Pascal Keywords PascalKeywords.Add ('absolute'); PascalKeywords.Add ('abstract'); PascalKeywords.Add ('and'); PascalKeywords.Add ('array'); PascalKeywords.Add ('as'); PascalKeywords.Add ('asm'); PascalKeywords.Add ('assembler'); PascalKeywords.Add ('at'); PascalKeywords.Add ('automated'); PascalKeywords.Add ('begin'); PascalKeywords.Add ('case'); PascalKeywords.Add ('cdecl'); PascalKeywords.Add ('class'); PascalKeywords.Add ('const'); PascalKeywords.Add ('constructor'); PascalKeywords.Add ('contains'); PascalKeywords.Add ('default'); PascalKeywords.Add ('destructor'); PascalKeywords.Add ('dispid'); PascalKeywords.Add ('dispinterface'); PascalKeywords.Add ('div'); PascalKeywords.Add ('do'); PascalKeywords.Add ('downto'); PascalKeywords.Add ('dynamic'); PascalKeywords.Add ('else'); PascalKeywords.Add ('end'); PascalKeywords.Add ('except'); PascalKeywords.Add ('exports'); PascalKeywords.Add ('external'); PascalKeywords.Add ('file'); PascalKeywords.Add ('finalization'); PascalKeywords.Add ('finally'); PascalKeywords.Add ('for'); PascalKeywords.Add ('forward'); PascalKeywords.Add ('function'); PascalKeywords.Add ('goto'); PascalKeywords.Add ('if'); PascalKeywords.Add ('implementation'); PascalKeywords.Add ('in'); PascalKeywords.Add ('index'); PascalKeywords.Add ('inherited'); PascalKeywords.Add ('initialization'); PascalKeywords.Add ('inline'); PascalKeywords.Add ('interface'); PascalKeywords.Add ('is'); PascalKeywords.Add ('label'); PascalKeywords.Add ('library'); PascalKeywords.Add ('message'); PascalKeywords.Add ('mod'); // PascalKeywords.Add ('name'); PascalKeywords.Add ('nil'); PascalKeywords.Add ('nodefault'); PascalKeywords.Add ('not'); PascalKeywords.Add ('object'); PascalKeywords.Add ('of'); PascalKeywords.Add ('on'); PascalKeywords.Add ('or'); PascalKeywords.Add ('override'); PascalKeywords.Add ('packed'); PascalKeywords.Add ('pascal'); PascalKeywords.Add ('private'); PascalKeywords.Add ('procedure'); PascalKeywords.Add ('program'); PascalKeywords.Add ('property'); PascalKeywords.Add ('protected'); PascalKeywords.Add ('public'); PascalKeywords.Add ('published'); PascalKeywords.Add ('raise'); PascalKeywords.Add ('read'); PascalKeywords.Add ('record'); PascalKeywords.Add ('register'); PascalKeywords.Add ('repeat'); PascalKeywords.Add ('requires'); PascalKeywords.Add ('resident'); PascalKeywords.Add ('set'); PascalKeywords.Add ('shl'); PascalKeywords.Add ('shr'); PascalKeywords.Add ('stdcall'); PascalKeywords.Add ('stored'); PascalKeywords.Add ('string'); PascalKeywords.Add ('then'); PascalKeywords.Add ('threadvar'); PascalKeywords.Add ('to'); PascalKeywords.Add ('try'); PascalKeywords.Add ('type'); PascalKeywords.Add ('unit'); PascalKeywords.Add ('until'); PascalKeywords.Add ('uses'); PascalKeywords.Add ('var'); PascalKeywords.Add ('virtual'); PascalKeywords.Add ('while'); PascalKeywords.Add ('with'); PascalKeywords.Add ('write'); PascalKeywords.Add ('xor');
// DFm keywords DfmKeywords.Add ('object'); DfmKeywords.Add ('end');
finalization PascalKeywords.Free; end. |
unit NewParse;
uses Classes, SysUtils, Consts;
const toComment = Char(5);
type TNewParser = class(TObject) private FStream: TStream; FOrigin: Longint; FBuffer: PChar; FBufPtr: PChar; FBufEnd: PChar; FSourcePtr: PChar; FSourceEnd: PChar; FTokenPtr: PChar; FStringPtr: PChar; FSourceLine: Integer; FSaveChar: Char; FToken: Char; procedure ReadBuffer; procedure SkipBlanks; public constructor Create(Stream: TStream); destructor Destroy; override; procedure CheckToken(T: Char); procedure CheckTokenSymbol(const S: string); procedure Error(const Ident: string); procedure ErrorFmt(const Ident: string; const Args: array of const); procedure ErrorStr(const Message: string); procedure HexToBinary(Stream: TStream); function NextToken: Char; function SourcePos: Longint; function TokenComponentIdent: String; function TokenFloat: Extended; function TokenInt: Longint; function TokenString: string; function TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean; property SourceLine: Integer read FSourceLine; property Token: Char read FToken; end;
const ParseBufSize = 4096;
procedure BinToHex(Buffer, Text: PChar; BufSize: Integer); assembler; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EDX,0 JMP @@1 @@0: DB '0123456789ABCDEF' @@1: LODSB MOV DL,AL AND DL,0FH MOV AH,@@0.Byte[EDX] MOV DL,AL SHR DL,4 MOV AL,@@0.Byte[EDX] STOSW DEC ECX JNE @@1 POP EDI POP ESI end;
function HexToBin(Text, Buffer: PChar; BufSize: Integer): Integer; assembler; asm PUSH ESI PUSH EDI PUSH EBX MOV ESI,EAX MOV EDI,EDX MOV EBX,EDX MOV EDX,0 JMP @@1 @@0: DB 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 DB -1,10,11,12,13,14,15,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 DB -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 DB -1,10,11,12,13,14,15 @@1: LODSW CMP AL,'0' JB @@2 CMP AL,'f' JA @@2 MOV DL,AL MOV AL,@@0.Byte[EDX-'0'] CMP AL,-1 JE @@2 SHL AL,4 CMP AH,'0' JB @@2 CMP AH,'f' JA @@2 MOV DL,AH MOV AH,@@0.Byte[EDX-'0'] CMP AH,-1 JE @@2 OR AL,AH STOSB DEC ECX JNE @@1 @@2: MOV EAX,EDI SUB EAX,EBX POP EBX POP EDI POP ESI end;
constructor TNewParser.Create(Stream: TStream); begin FStream := Stream; GetMem(FBuffer, ParseBufSize); FBuffer[0] := #0; FBufPtr := FBuffer; FBufEnd := FBuffer + ParseBufSize; FSourcePtr := FBuffer; FSourceEnd := FBuffer; FTokenPtr := FBuffer; FSourceLine := 1; NextToken; end;
destructor TNewParser.Destroy; begin if FBuffer <> nil then begin FStream.Seek(Longint(FTokenPtr) - Longint(FBufPtr), 1); FreeMem(FBuffer, ParseBufSize); end; end;
procedure TNewParser.CheckToken(T: Char); begin if Token <> T then case T of toSymbol: Error(SIdentifierExpected); toString: Error(SStringExpected); toInteger, toFloat: Error(SNumberExpected); else ErrorFmt(SCharExpected, [T]); end; end;
procedure TNewParser.CheckTokenSymbol(const S: string); begin if not TokenSymbolIs(S) then ErrorFmt(SSymbolExpected, [S]); end;
procedure TNewParser.Error(const Ident: string); begin ErrorStr(Ident); end;
procedure TNewParser.ErrorFmt(const Ident: string; const Args: array of const); begin ErrorStr(Format(Ident, Args)); end;
procedure TNewParser.ErrorStr(const Message: string); begin raise EParserError.CreateFmt(SParseError, [Message, FSourceLine]); end;
procedure TNewParser.HexToBinary(Stream: TStream); var Count: Integer; Buffer: array[0..255] of Char; begin SkipBlanks; while FSourcePtr^ <> '}' do begin Count := HexToBin(FSourcePtr, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)); if Count = 0 then Error(SInvalidBinary); Stream.Write(Buffer, Count); Inc(FSourcePtr, Count * 2); SkipBlanks; end; NextToken; end;
function TNewParser.NextToken: Char; var I: Integer; P, S: PChar; begin SkipBlanks; P := FSourcePtr; FTokenPtr := P; case P^ of 'A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_': begin Inc(P); while P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_'] do Inc(P); Result := toSymbol; end; '#', '''': begin S := P; while True do case P^ of '#': begin Inc(P); I := 0; while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do begin I := I * 10 + (Ord(P^) - Ord('0')); Inc(P); end; S^ := Chr(I); Inc(S); end; '''': begin Inc(P); while True do begin case P^ of #0, #10, #13: Error(SInvalidString); '''': begin Inc(P); if P^ <> '''' then Break; end; end; S^ := P^; Inc(S); Inc(P); end; end; else Break; end; FStringPtr := S; Result := toString; end; '$': begin Inc(P); while P^ in ['0'..'9', 'A'..'F', 'a'..'f'] do Inc(P); Result := toInteger; end; '-', '0'..'9': begin Inc(P); while P^ in ['0'..'9'] do Inc(P); Result := toInteger; while P^ in ['0'..'9', '.', 'e', 'E', '+', '-'] do begin Inc(P); Result := toFloat; end; end; // new custom code!!!! '{': begin // look for closing brace while (P^ <> '}') and (P^ <> toEOF) do Inc(P); // move to the next if (P^ <> toEOF) then Inc(P); Result := toComment; end; else // updated if (P^ = '/') and (P^ <> toEOF) and ((P+1)^ = '/') then begin // single line comment while P^ <> #13 do Inc(P); Result := toComment; end else begin Result := P^; if Result <> toEOF then Inc(P); end; end; FSourcePtr := P; FToken := Result; end;
procedure TNewParser.ReadBuffer; var Count: Integer; begin Inc(FOrigin, FSourcePtr - FBuffer); FSourceEnd[0] := FSaveChar; Count := FBufPtr - FSourcePtr; if Count <> 0 then Move(FSourcePtr[0], FBuffer[0], Count); FBufPtr := FBuffer + Count; Inc(FBufPtr, FStream.Read(FBufPtr[0], FBufEnd - FBufPtr)); FSourcePtr := FBuffer; FSourceEnd := FBufPtr; if FSourceEnd = FBufEnd then begin FSourceEnd := LineStart(FBuffer, FSourceEnd - 1); if FSourceEnd = FBuffer then Error(SLineTooLong); end; FSaveChar := FSourceEnd[0]; FSourceEnd[0] := #0; end;
procedure TNewParser.SkipBlanks; begin while True do begin case FSourcePtr^ of #0: begin ReadBuffer; if FSourcePtr^ = #0 then Exit; Continue; end; #10: Inc(FSourceLine); '!'..'я' : Exit; end; Inc(FSourcePtr); end; end;
function TNewParser.SourcePos: Longint; begin Result := FOrigin + (FTokenPtr - FBuffer); end;
function TNewParser.TokenFloat: Extended; begin Result := StrToFloat(TokenString); end;
function TNewParser.TokenInt: Longint; begin Result := StrToInt(TokenString); end;
function TNewParser.TokenString: string; var L: Integer; begin if FToken = toString then L := FStringPtr - FTokenPtr else L := FSourcePtr - FTokenPtr; SetString(Result, FTokenPtr, L); end;
function TNewParser.TokenSymbolIs(const S: string): Boolean; begin Result := (Token = toSymbol) and (CompareText(S, TokenString) = 0); end;
function TNewParser.TokenComponentIdent: String; var P: PChar; begin CheckToken(toSymbol); P := FSourcePtr; while P^ = '.' do begin Inc(P); if not (P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '_']) then Error(SIdentifierExpected); repeat Inc(P) until not (P^ in ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '_']); end; FSourcePtr := P; Result := TokenString; end;
end. |
unit PasToWebForm;
uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
type TForm1 = class (TForm) EditSource: TEdit; BtnHTML: TButton; EditCopyr: TEdit; BtnInput: TButton; OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; EditDest: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; BtnOpen: TButton; BtnInfo: TButton; procedure BtnHTMLClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnInputClick(Sender: TObject); procedure EditDestChange(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnOpenClick(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnInfoClick(Sender: TObject); end;
var Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
uses Convert, ShellApi;
procedure TForm1.BtnHTMLClick(Sender: TObject); var Source, BinSource, Dest: TStream; Parser: THtmlParser; begin // extract the target file name if FileExists (EditDest.Text) then if MessageDlg ('Overwrite the existing file ' + EditDest.Text + '?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = idNo then Exit; // create the two streams Dest := TFileStream.Create (EditDest.Text, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); if ExtractFileExt(EditSource.Text) = '.dfm' then begin // convert the DFM file to text BinSource := TFileStream.Create (EditSource.Text, fmOpenRead); Source := TMemoryStream.Create; ObjectResourceToText (BinSource, Source); Source.Position := 0; end else begin Source := TFileStream.Create (EditSource.Text, fmOpenRead); BinSource := nil; end; // parse the source code try Parser := THtmlParser.Create (Source, Dest); try Parser.Alone := True; Parser.Filename := EditSource.Text; Parser.Copyright := EditCopyr.Text; if ExtractFileExt(EditSource.Text) = '.dfm' then Parser.SetKeywordType (ktDfm); Parser.Convert; finally Parser.Free; end; finally Dest.Free; Source.Free; BinSource.Free; end; // enable the third button BtnOpen.Enabled := True; end;
procedure TForm1.BtnInputClick(Sender: TObject); begin with OpenDialog1 do if Execute then begin EditSource.Text := Filename; EditDest.Text := ChangeFileExt(FileName, '_' + Copy (ExtractFileExt(Filename), 2, 3)) + '.HTM'; BtnHtml.Enabled := True; end; end;
procedure TForm1.EditDestChange(Sender: TObject); begin BtnOpen.Enabled := False; end;
procedure TForm1.BtnOpenClick(Sender: TObject); begin ShellExecute (Handle, 'open', PChar (EditDest.Text), '', '', sw_ShowNormal); end;
procedure TForm1.BtnInfoClick(Sender: TObject); begin // this isn't true any more MessageDlg (Caption + #13#13+ 'from Delphi Developers Handbook', mtInformation, [mbOK], 0); end;
end. |
Категория: Форматы файлов | Добавил: Angel (08.07.2008)
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