To make use of SWF files in your Delphi application you should have the swf
plugin installed then follow these steps:
In the Delphi IDE
- click on "Component", "Import ActiveX Control" - chose "Shockwave
Flash" and click on "install".
Now you have a TShockwaveFlash component in your IDE on the ActiveX tabsheet.
Place the TShockwaveFlash Component onto your form, resize it as needed but for
now do not assign a movie to it.
You will need to register the ocx file if it is not installed on the target
computer. So you should have a resource file with
- the swflash.ocx and your Flash ( *.swf) file. - Copy swflash.ocx (from
i.e. windows\system32\macromed\flash) and your custom swf file to your project
path. - Create a textfile with a code like this:
(Where yourfile.swf is your swf-file)
- Save this file as flash.rc - Goto Commandline, change to your project
dir and enter the line:
"Brcc32 -r flash.rc"
- Now you have your new resource as flash.res file
uses ShockwaveFlashObjects_TLB; // will be used automatically
{$R *.DFM} {$R flash.res} // your new created resource {...}
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var SystemDir: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; SWFDir, AppDir: string; Fres: TResourceStream; Ffile: TFileStream; begin GetSystemDirectory(@SystemDir, MAX_PATH); SWFDir := SystemDir + '\macromed\flash\'; GetDir(0, AppDir); // Get current directory
//check whether the sw-flash ocx is already installed if FileExists(SWFDir + 'swflash.ocx') = False then begin //create directories if needed and extract file from resource. {$i-} //compiler directive to suppress i/o error messages MkDir(SystemDir + '\macromed'); MKDir(SystemDir + '\macromed\flash'); {$i+} Fres := TResourceStream.Create(0, 'SHOCKWAVEOCX', RT_RCDATA); Ffile := TFileStream.Create(SWFDir + 'swflash.ocx', fmCreate); Ffile.CopyFrom(Fres, Fres.Size); Fres.Free; Ffile.Free;
//register ocx (simple but useful) WinExec(PChar('regsvr32 /s ' + SWFDir + 'swflash.ocx'), SW_HIDE); end; // extract ShockwaveFile from resource to application directory Fres := TResourceStream.Create(0, 'SHOCKWAVEFILE', RT_RCDATA); Ffile := TFileStream.Create('flashmovie.swf', fmCreate); Ffile.CopyFrom(Fres, Fres.Size); Fres.Free; Ffile.Free;
//Assign the extracted swf file to your TShockwaveFlash object FlashMovie.Movie := AppDir + '\flashmovie.swf'; end;
(* If you dont want to have the popup menu displayed on right click you may chose menu property of TShockWave to false. *)