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unit Cdbascii;
uses SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, DbiErrs, DbiTypes, DbiProcs, DB, DBTables;
type TAsciiDelimTable = class(TTable) private { Private declarations } fQuote: Char; fDelim: Char; protected { Protected declarations } function CreateHandle: HDBICur; override; procedure SetQuote(newValue: Char); procedure SetDelim(newValue: Char); public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; { Эти свойства не должны больше публиковаться } property IndexFieldNames; property IndexName; property MasterFields; property MasterSource; property UpdateMode; published { Published declarations } property Quote: Char read fQuote write setQuote default '"'; property Delim: Char read fDelim write setDelim default ','; end;
procedure Register;
uses DBConsts;
procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Data Access', [TAsciiDelimTable]); end;
constructor TAsciiDelimTable.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Exclusive := True; TableType := ttASCII; fQuote := '"'; fDelim := ','; end;
destructor TAsciiDelimTable.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; end;
{ Рабочий код }
function CheckOpen(Status: DBIResult): Boolean; begin case Status of DBIERR_NONE: Result := True; DBIERR_NOTSUFFTABLERIGHTS: begin if not Session.GetPassword then DbiError(Status); Result := False; end; else DbiError(Status); end; end;
function TAsciiDelimTable.CreateHandle: HDBICur; const OpenModes: array[Boolean] of DbiOpenMode = (dbiReadWrite, dbiReadOnly); ShareModes: array[Boolean] of DbiShareMode = (dbiOpenShared, dbiOpenExcl); var STableName: array[0..SizeOf(TFileName) - 1] of Char; SDriverType: array[0..12] of Char; begin if TableName = '' then DBError(SNoTableName); AnsiToNative(DBLocale, TableName, STableName, SizeOf(STableName) - 1); StrPCopy(SDriverType, 'ASCIIDRV-' + Quote + '-' + Delim); Result := nil; while not CheckOpen(DbiOpenTable(DBHandle, STableName, SDriverType, nil, nil, 0, OpenModes[ReadOnly], ShareModes[Exclusive], xltField, False, nil, Result)) do {Повтор} ; end;
procedure TAsciiDelimTable.SetQuote(newValue: Char); begin if Active then { DBError(SInvalidBatchMove); }; fQuote := newValue; end;
procedure TAsciiDelimTable.SetDelim(newValue: Char); begin if Active then { DBError(SInvalidBatchMove); }; fDelim := newValue; end;
Категория: ASCII и CSV | Добавил: Skinner (03.07.2008)
Просмотров: 461
| Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |