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Получение информации об альясах
uses DB, DBTables, DBITypes, DBIProcs;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Session.GetAliasNames(ListBox1.Items); end;
procedure TForm1.ListBox1Click(Sender: TObject); var tStr: array[0..100] of char; Desc: DBDesc; { The DBDesc structure describes a database, using the following fields:
szName DBINAME Specifies the database alias name. szText DBINAME Descriptive text. szPhyName DBIPATH Specifies the physical name/path. szDbType DBINAME Specifies the database type. } begin if ListBox1.Items.Count = 0 then exit; StrPLCopy(tStr, ListBox1.Items.Strings[ListBox1.ItemIndex], High(tStr)); DbiGetDatabaseDesc(tStr, @Desc); with Desc do begin Label1.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szName); Label2.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szPhyName); Label3.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szDbType); Label4.Caption := StrPas(Desc.szText); end; end;
Категория: Alias | Добавил: Skinner (04.07.2008)
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