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Как использовать свой диалог ввода пароля BDE
// ..... // ..... public { Public declarations } procedure Password(Sender: TObject; var Continue: Boolean); // ... end;
var FormMain: TFormMain;
implementation {$R *.dfm}
procedure TFormMain.Password(Sender: TObject; var Continue: Boolean); var Passwd: String[15]; begin Passwd := '';
FormPasswd := TFormPasswd.Create(Application); // Creating dialog try if (FormPasswd.ShowModal = ID_OK) then begin // If OK is pressed then get password from edit "edPassword" Passwd := FormPasswd.edPasswd.Text end else begin // If Cancel is pressed then terminate application Application.ShowMainForm := False; Application.Terminate; Exit; end; finally FormPasswd.Free; // finally free password form end;
Continue := (Passwd > ''); Session.AddPassword(Passwd); // Add password typed to session end;
procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ClientDatabase.Session.RemoveAllPasswords; // Remove all typed passwords from session, so user need type password again in app start // Undocument next row in debug mode. This is for debugging and testing only, so we don't need typing password again and again ... // ClientDatabase.Session.AddPassword('YOUR-PASSWORD'); ClientDatabase.Session.OnPassword := Password; // Set OnPassword Event end;
Категория: BDE | Добавил: Skinner (05.07.2008)
Просмотров: 405
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